
2024年3月27日 Living, Protecting and Building the Future, a survey conclusion on Rediscovering the Strengths and Challenges of Takachiho Town part 3

On 12 May 2023, the town of Takachiho hosted the event ‘Takachiho Town Strengths and Challenges Rediscov […]

Editorial department 261 views
2024年3月27日 Living, Protecting and Building the Future, a survey conclusion on Rediscovering the Strengths and Challenges of Takachiho Town part 2

On 12 May 2023, the town of Takachiho hosted the event ‘Takachiho Town Strengths and Challenges Rediscov […]

Editorial department 156 views
2024年3月27日 Visit the gods of arts in Takachiho! Three shrines for success in entertainment & performing arts

Takachiho, the land of Tenson Korin (god’s descent to earth), is home to shrines dedicated to a variety of god […]

Editorial department 297 views
2024年3月27日 Seven best souvenirs for bringing the Takachiho cuisine back home with you

Did you ever taste something while on vacation thinking, “If only I could take this back home with me?” Well, […]

Editorial department 161 views
2024年3月27日 Promenade reopened! A stroll along the Takachiho Gorge

When mentioning Takachiho, the first image that pops into your mind is probably one of the Takachiho gorge, wi […]

Editorial department 118 views
2024年3月21日 Connect with the past, a visit to the Takachiho Town Community Center

Did you know there is a place where you closely can encounter Takachihos history? Here we invite you to enter […]

Editorial department 233 views
2024年3月19日 Living, Protecting and Building the Future, a survey conclusion on Rediscovering the Strengths and Challenges of Takachiho Town part 1

What do you know about Takachiho? You may be familiar with the famous tourist attractions such as Takachiho Sh […]

Editorial department 104 views
2024年3月19日 A Leisurely walking course in the Takachiho Shrine area

While going to all the different various tourist landmarks can be fun, it can also be nice just to take a leis […]

Editorial department 108 views
2024年3月18日 Six best local specialty soft-serves you can enjoy while on-the-go

One of the joys of traveling in Japan is the local specialty soft-serves you can get while on-the-go at your t […]

Editorial department 239 views
2024年3月18日 Five best restaurants & cafés to enjoy with your kids!

When out with your kids, it can be a struggle sometimes to figure out where to eat. “Will there be food that m […]

Editorial department 148 views
2024年3月15日 Five best Takachiho tourist landmarks for a girls’ trip!

Here, we’ll be introducing you to the best, most photogenic Takachiho sightseeing spots for a fun and stylish […]

Editorial department 125 views
2024年3月15日 Visit the ultimate power spots of Takachiho! A complete Ama-no-Iwato walking guide

The Ama-no-Iwato myth, recorded in the Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters) and Nihon Shoki (The Chronicles of […]

Editorial department 330 views
2024年3月14日 Seasonal kumquat festival in Takachiho!

For a limited time from January until March every year we welcome the kumquat season! As a result of last year […]

Editorial department 136 views
2024年3月14日 Five most stylish, photogenic restaurants for a Takachiho girls’ trip!

Did you know what within the rich natural scenery and retro townscape of Takachiho, there are cafés and restau […]

Editorial department 308 views
2024年3月4日 縁結びに、婚活に!絶対に行くべき神社5選

高千穂の「縁結び」にご利益があるといわれる神社をまとめました。 婚活中の人も、片思い中の人も、大好きな人の時間をいつまでも続けたい人にもおススメ。 縁結びや夫婦円満に効果絶大な神社をご紹介します。   神様の新 […]

Editorial department 1696 views
2024年2月26日 Spectacular views! Three different scenery for snowy days in Takachiho

Takachiho is a town famous for its beautiful scenery throughout the season. And being a town in tropical Miyaz […]

Editorial department 445 views
2024年2月22日 Meet a dragon god! A guide to the Eight Great Dragon King God of Water shrine

Since this year is the year of the dragon, we want to reintroduce you to a special Takachiho treasure, the Eig […]

Editorial department 153 views
2024年2月20日 今年も開催!「きんかんフェスタ」!

1月15日から期間限定で、「道の駅 高千穂」、「がまだせ市場 鬼八の蔵」、そして「高千穂町国民健康保険病院売店」で恒例の「きんかんフェスタ」がスタートしました。 きんかんのもつ効果 きんかんは小さい果物であり、皮や種など […]

Editorial department 367 views