
Five must-visit shrines for those getting ready for entrance exams and success!

Here, we’ll be introducing you to the shrines in Takachiho that offers blessings for academic and career success.

Students preparing for entrance exams will find boosts of good fortune from the god of academics, the god of competition, and many others! These are five must-visit shrines for those preparing for high school or university entrance exams, as well as qualification or promotion exams.

Futatsudake Shrine, which enshrines the gods of academics and competition

The first shrine we recommend for students preparing for their entrance exams is Futatsudake Shrine, which offers blessings in both academics and competition.

Here Yahata-no-Kami, the god of competition, is enshrined, as well as Sugawara-no-Michizane, the god of academics.

Known as one of the Five Shrines of Ama-no-Iwato, it is a very old shrine, housing a sacred mirror with an inscription from 1707, which has been passed down over generations.

Next to the shrine building is a statue of “Shibahiki,” the 26th dance of the Takachiho kagura (ancient Shinto music and dancing ritual). The statue depicts Futotama-no-Mikoto, the god of festivals, pulling out a sakaki tree (locally known as Shiba trees) from Mt. Ama-no-kagu and placing it in front of the rock at the entrance of Ama-no-Iwato Cave.

While Futatsudake Shrine is unmanned, you can collect the shrine’s goshuin (shrine seal) at the conferment site at the Inner Shrine of the Ama-no-Iwato West Main Shrine.

Click here for directions to Futatsudake Shrine


Kushifuru Shrine, the sacred site where a god descended from the heavens

Kushifuru Shrine is located in Kushifuru Peak, where the Tenson Korin (god’s descent to earth) is said to have taken place in the myths of the Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters) and Nihon Shoki (The Chronicles of Japan). It is undoubtedly a sacred site, and known as a power spot!

When visiting a shrine, start of by purify yourself at the chozuya (Shinto water ablution pavilion). Purify yourself and then calm your mind and soul before heading to the shrine building.

Here you can get fortune in victory and a success career. Praying at this quiet shrine, surrounded by all the trees, it really do feel like you are receiving the blessings directly from the gods.

While Kushifuru Shrine is unmanned, there are a number of omamori (traditional Japanese good luck charms) and goshuin lined up in the Worship Hall. You can pay for the omamori and goshuin by placing the money in the offering box.

For those of you taking an exam, we highly recommend these omamori, which bring good luck in the areas of academic achievement and the passing of an exam. We also recommend the “Kachimamori,” which brings good luck in competitions.

Click here for directions to Kushifuru Shrine


Eight Great Dragon King God of Water Shrine, which is visited by professional athletes

The Eight Great Dragon King God of Water Shrine is said to have a history of over 1,300 years. Around the parking lot near the torii gates are the names of numerous companies and professional athletes who have made donations to the shrine.

The sacred hackberry tree in front of the shrine has branches that have grown freely, almost wrapping themselves around the shrine. This enormous tree, which looks almost like a dragon, is also a famous power spot.

Eight Great Dragon King God of Water Shrine enshrines a dragon god, and offers blessings in competitions. This blessing at this shrine is said to provide a massive boost to your natural abilities and talents.

The dragon god love raw eggs and alcohol. As such, there is no end to the numbers of people who bring eggs to the shrine as offerings, under the belief that offering the god eggs and alcohol will provide an even further boost to their fortunes.

While Eight Great Dragon King God of Water Shrine is unmanned, there are omamori and goshuin in a cupboard on the opposite side of the Worship Hall. You can pay for the omamori and goshuin by leaving the money in the designated box next to the cupboard.

Click here for direction to the Eight Great Dragon God of Water Shrine


Aratate Shrine, which enshrines the god of guidance

While Aratate Shrine is famous for its enshrinement of Ama-no-Uzume, the goddess of entertainment, it also enshrines the god of guidance, Sarutahiko-no-Mikoto.

This god offers great blessings when it comes to academic success and the passing of exams.

In the myths, Sarutahiko-no-Mikoto is said to be the god of guidance and possibilities, with the power to guide people in a good direction when it comes to their academic and work careers.

There are various different wooden boards called “bangi” located within the grounds of Aratate Shrine. Try hitting these boards while praying for success in your upcoming exam!

The shrine also offers omamori, omikuji (fortune slips), and goshuin. Because the shrine is unmanned, you will need to put the money for your purchases in the offering box in order to buy these.

The omamori – each of them carefully handcrafted, are sure to help you pass any upcoming exam you have in your life.

Click here for directions to Aratate Shrine


Akaishi Shrine, a hidden and powerful shrine when praying for blessings in competition

Akaishi Shrine is located on a quiet mountainside, at the end of a narrow path through terraced rice fields.

The god enshrined here is Ame-no-Tajikarao. Not many people know that he is a god of competition.

In fact, this is the only shrine in Takachiho that enshrines Ame-no-Tajikarao. Here you can pray for good fortune in competition.

In the myths, Ame no Tajikarao was a god with incredible physical strength, who pushed open the entrance to Ama-no-Iwato Cave, where Amaterasu-Omikami had hidden herself. In your life, when you truly need extra energy, this is the shrine you will want to visit.

Click here for directions to Akaishi Shrine



These were five of the best shrines when it comes to praying for an upcoming exam and success. What do you think?

While there are many shrines in Takachiho, these are the ones that we believe are most effective when it comes to academics or victory. The blessings from these shrines are sure to give you a boost when it comes to passing your exam. It is likely that the gods are aware of how hard you’ve studied in your daily life.

Remember to believe in this extra power given to you by the gods, and to believe in yourself, as you head into your exam.



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